Academic Support Through Block Resource Centre/Cluster Resource Centre

RTE to succeed with people’s support and ownership. The RTE mandate for age appropriate admission of every out-of-school child, special training for each child to enable his/her to cope in school, promoting child-friendly child centered and activity based learning processes, which is free of anxiety, trauma and fear sets the agenda for proactive community participation. Community participation would be a central and overarching factor in planning, implementation and monitoring interventions for universal elementary education. SSA is working towards enhancing participation of the community, parents, teachers and children by awareness generation and interventions for community mobilization.

Interventions at Block Resource Centre and Cluster Resource Centre:-

  • Organizing monthly meeting of teachers at BRC level called GURU GOSTHI.
  • Follow-up of provisions of Right to Education act.
  • To organize monthly meeting of teachers at CRC level.
  • To visit at least all schools in a month and evaluate the learning level of students
  • To identify the weak students for special training .
  • To make strategy for upliftment of schools and children who are not performing well.
  • To organize meeting with SMCs related to improve retention level of children in school and for quality education.
  • To organize meeting with Mukhia, Panchayat/ward member and Cluster Resource Persons to develop strategies with them for quality education in school.